Film tuesdays: Paradox (+ discussion), Three Months with Kira

Rozjíždíme sérii úterních projekcí! V listopadu se můžete těšit na tematické Příběhy 20. století vyprávějící o době převratu a dva krátké ukrajinské dokumentární filmy natočené v České republice po začátku války: Paradox a Three Months with Kira. Po obou projekcích bude následovat debata s hosty.

We are starting the series of Tuesday’s screenings! In November we are looking forward to two short Ukrainian documentary films shot in the Czech Republic: Paradox and Three Months with Kira. The following week the Stories of the 20th Century about the Velvet Revolution will take turn. After both screenings the discussion with creators will take place.

Přijďte si pro filmový zážitek i nové perspektivy! K tomu všemu na Vás čeká teplý drink, nebo vychlazené pivo v Café Paměti národa. Všechny projekce jsou za dobrovolné vstupné, začínáme vždy ve 20:00.

Come for some new film experiences! In addition, a great cold beer or a hot drink awaits you. The entrance fee is always voluntary, we are always starting at 7 pm.

!! Pozor, oba filmy jsou v ukrajinštině s anglickými titulky, následná debata bude taktéž v angličtině.

!! Both films are in Ukrainian language with English subtitles, the discussion will be in English as well.

H.O.M.E. due to Wikipedia, it’s a building intended for living.
And what is home for you? Currently it is very difficult to pull yourself together and understand the real meaning of the word. Why did you think a year ago that home is where your people are? And now…
Now you don’t even understand where it is. Abroad is about uncertainty, about a constant feeling of guilt and an uncontrollable desire to return… But where? It’s like you’re stuck in the vertical, and you don’t know what’s going to happen next. And is it even possible to wish for something now? H.O.M.E. Four letters. One word. War. Thousands of confusing and incomprehensible emotions that you feel for the first time. The paradox is that you had to lose everything to find these four letters in yourself, and that it was the war that made it possible to understand the real values of this word.
The project was created by a team of ukrainian students who left the country due to the war, as a part of their studies at the the theater faculty of JAMU, Brno.

Three Months with Kira
The story in three lines unveils around 25 year old girl Kira who was affected by the Russian aggression towards Ukraine. The movie shows Kira’s family life with her husband Denis one day before the war, her life in a new country during the war, her thoughts, memories and reflections. Her fears are metaphorically shown in a surrealistic image of the bloody war. These scenes are inspired by Magitte’s paintings with heads wrapped in white and red cloth.

Institut Paměti národa, Radnická 10, Brno
Úterý 21. 11. v 19:00
Vstupné dobrovolné